• Office in Vilkovo
    (067) 483•52•07
  • Office in Odessa
    (067) 489•01•69

Главное меню


"Pelican" green tourist complex

In area about 1.5 hectares is located directly on the Danube bank in the outskirts of Vilkovo town. It is including: comfortable tourist cottage-houses camping “Pelican-City” with 6 separate cottages for 24-36 persons. Сomfortable guest house with 14 sleeping places. Local cook-house, various reed pavilions and arbores for picnic and rest area near the water, shashlik (kebab) pavilion. Pond with the special places for fishing and rest area near the water, comfortable rest sites with the benches and beach chaise-longues, real Russian bath-house, trade exhibition of the local honeys. Havens for the boats and vessels, private parking place, equipped  toilets. Certificated berth with the depths near the mooring wall till the 2.5 meters, separate berthing of small size fleet and reception. A wide variety of tourist and attendant services for groups and individuals are for rent in the green tourist base. 

29.09.2015, 2251 просмотр.

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Touroperator in the Danube delta and Vilkovo
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Office in Vilkovo
  • c. Vilkovo, str. B. Khmelnitsky, 54.
  • +38 (067) 483-52-07
  • +38 (099) 107-15-57
Office in Odessa
  • c. Odessa, str. Gogolya, 8.
  • +38 (048) 704-11-43
  • +38 (067) 489-01-69